Social Science Education for Just and Sustainable Societies
Marrakech, Morocco
June 25-20, 2024
In partnership with the

Cadi Ayyad University
The Setting

Tuesday, Reception

Cadi Ayyad University Conference Center

Wednesday: Excursion to Essaouira

Mayor of Essaouira

Cultural Sites

Dar Souiri Center

Ramparts and Port

filmed 1948-51
Argana Restaurant

Marjana Cooperative for Argan Oil Production

Thursday & Friday, 9:00 AM: Plenary Sessions

UCA Vice President
& Imad Elarbi, MCCE President

Executive Director, African Foundation for Lifelong Learning

SSEC 2024 Conference Chair

National Education
Ministry of National Education

Media Coverage

(June 27, 2024)
Meet-and-Greet Session

An opportunity to get acquainted and share scholarship interests and potential collaboration.
Paper Sessions & Workshops to 3:15 PM

Paper Sessions and Workshops

Late morning break

3:30 PM Lunch

Papers and Workshops

Annual Corporation Meeting


Director’s Report
Early Career Awards

Other Member Sights

through a restaurant window


Giedre Kvieskiene & Vytautas Kvieska

riad in the Marrakech medina


(We share a 17th century ancestor)

Mohamed Elmeski

last conference day