2024 Annual Conference

Social Science Education for Just and Sustainable Societies

Marrakech, Morocco
June 25-20, 2024

In partnership with the

Moroccan Center for Civic Education
Cadi Ayyad University

The Setting

The Grand Mogador Agdal Hotel
Hotel Reception Desk
One of several pools

Tuesday, Reception

Staircase to Reception
Moroccan co-chairs (Imad Elarbi, Mohammed Elmeski) & Cadi Ayyad University Planners
M. Elmeski and Moroccan colleagues
Anne Marie Kavanagh (Ireland) & M. Elmeski
Maia Sheppard, Lauren Bagley & Anne Marie Kavanagh

Cadi Ayyad University Conference Center

Entrance with SSEC conference banner
SmartBoard to search session schedule
Main conference auditorium

Wednesday: Excursion to Essaouira

Met by Tarik Ottmani,
Mayor of Essaouira

Cultural Sites

Dar Souiri Center
Dar Souiri interior, site of musical and visual arts programs
Appreciative guests
Bayt Dakira entrance sign in Arabic, English, Amazigh, and Hebrew
Children join in
Watching the action

Ramparts and Port

Fisherman after the catch at Scala du Port
Distinctive blue boat of Essaouri

Row of cannon along ramparts
From Orson Welles’ Othello,
filmed 1948-51

Argana Restaurant

Greeting at Argana Restaurant
Restaurant greeting
Elegant plate
Food and conversation
Performers during lunch
Audience participation

Marjana Cooperative for Argan Oil Production

Women of the Marjana Cooperative
Removing the shell from the argan nut
Shelled nut ready for processing
Extracting the oil
The final products
Group picture before returning to Marrakech

Thursday & Friday, 9:00 AM: Plenary Sessions

Conference Opening
Fatima Zohra Iflahen,
UCA Vice President
& Imad Elarbi, MCCE President
Jamal Eddine El Aloua
Executive Director, African Foundation for Lifelong Learning
Amy Allen
SSEC 2024 Conference Chair
Fouad Chafiqi. Inspector General
National Education
Ministry of National Education
SSEC President Dean Vesperman waits to speak

Media Coverage

MoroccoWorldNews article
(June 27, 2024)

Meet-and-Greet Session

An opportunity to get acquainted and share scholarship interests and potential collaboration.

Paper Sessions & Workshops to 3:15 PM

Paper Sessions and Workshops

Late morning break

3:30 PM Lunch

Papers and Workshops

Annual Corporation Meeting

President Vesperman
Election of New Board Members
Charlie White gives Executive
Director’s Report
Among the 116 attendees were families, represented by 13 adult guests/partners and 8 children

Early Career Awards

Other Member Sights

Jemna el Fna Square,
through a restaurant window
The Cuisine
Getting around
In the souk
Rush hour in the medina
In the souk


Planning meeting
Our Lithuanian partners –
Giedre Kvieskiene & Vytautas Kvieska
Roof-top patio at a traditional
riad in the Marrakech medina
Moroccan doctoral
Cooling off
Charlie White and Robert White
(We share a 17th century ancestor)
Anne Marie Kavanagh, the Allen family, &
Mohamed Elmeski
Post-lunch group photo at the Cadi Ayyad University Club
One of several tour groups on the
last conference day
John Pecore, GSU PhD graduate 2010 now professor at University of West Florida, and GSU doctoral students seated, JoAnn Wood, Professor Chara Bohan, and Tilifayea Griffin
Impromptu pizza party (last night)
Evening pool
SSEC 2025 in Detroit, MI