How can you participate in SSEC?

Participate in the SSEC annual meeting
Annual meetings, which are held every summer, bring together the membership and other interested educators to explore the latest research and best practices in social science education. Recent meetings have been held domestically (Salem, MA and Charlotte, NC) and internationally (Germany, Italy, Costa Rica, Budapest).
Explore the resources of the website, including SSEC projects, publications, and archival material on the website.
Share information about your new research and publications on the SSEC Facebook page and through our Twitter account, on our website News and Calendar page, and in our semi-annual Newsletter (published on the SSEC website and on the Information Age Publishing website.
SSEC Member Benefits
25% discount on all Information Age Publishing publications

Join the SSEC Members Only group in Facebook to take advantage of resources available only to SSEC members.

Discount on annual conference registration fee

Free copy of SSEC’s annual conference book
(SSEC Book Series)