April 3, 2024
We are sad to announce the passing of John J. Patrick, Professor Emeritus at Indiana University. He was considered one of the foremost scholars of citizenship education in the new democracies that emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union. He also taught and fostered the careers of many doctoral students in social studies education over the years. A more fulsome description of John’s life and career is available here.
March 17, 2023 SSEC member Jack Zevin’s 5th edition of Social Studies for the Twenty-First Century (due in March) offers practical, interesting, exciting ways to teach social studies and a multitude of instructional and professional resources for teachers. Throughout the text, all aspects of curriculum and instruction are viewed from a tripartite perspective that divides social studies instruction into didactic (factual), reflective (analytical), and affective (judgmental) components. This new edition is heavily revised and condensed to promote ease of use. “Build Your Own Lesson” additions to each chapter encourage improvisation and inquiry-based teaching and learning across subjects. A Companion Website offers additional activities, lessons, and resources for pre-service and practicing social studies teachers
September 7, 2022 SSEC member Keith Barton and former member Linda Levstik announce the release of the 6th edition of their book, DOING HISTORY! Investigating with Children in Elementary and Middle Schools. “We’ve made numerous revisions and updates throughout the book, and we’ve extensively written the chapters on issues deliberation in today’s climate, on studying enslavement, and on dispossession of Native lands,…all informed by the great work of many young colleagues in the field.”

June 9, 2022
SSEC member Murry Nelson has shared information about a Roving Scholar program in Norway. They are looking to initiate an elementary school Roving Scholar program beginning in 2023-24. If you know anyone who might be interested in coming to Norway as the pioneer elementary school Rover in 2023-24, take a look at: They are casting a wide net. Experienced elementary school teachers, university faculty as well as field supervisors, adjuncts, lecturers, or other seasoned educators with master’s degrees are all welcome to apply.

November 28, 2021
From the Education Development Center: “Are you an 8th or 9th grade Social Studies (or History) teacher? For a US DOE-funded study, we’d love to hear from you about your class, curriculum, and teaching preferences. Please fill out this brief . We are studying Mission US, a series of online role-playing games designed to deepen students’ grasp of US history. From the survey, we hope to get a better sense of how teachers might be able to integrate Mission US into their classroom teaching and curriculum. We value a range of perspectives and would love to hear from you whether you currently use Mission US, don’t use it, or are somewhere in between. Please also share the survey with any other 8th or 9th grade history and social studies teachers that you know.
October 28, 2021
“Book Launch and Meet the Authors.” On October 28, 2021, SSEC is hosting a web session to introduce latest addition to IAP’s SSEC Book Series titled Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Social Sciences (included in SSEC membership). The 90-minute session will begin at 6:30 PM EST (3:30 PM PST) and will provide apply opportunities to interact with chapter authors. You can find more information in the webinar flyer and register here.
September 21 – 22, 2021
All Americans must understand our democracy at the local, state, and federal level. We need high quality civic education. Please join the CivXNow Policy Summit virtual livestream to discuss the need for civic education and opportunities to accelerate progress during the 2021-2022 legislative sessions. Click here for more information.
September 1, 2021
Book chapter proposals are due for an edited volume tentatively titled Teaching Through Turmoil: Re-learning, Re-teaching, and Re-imagining History and Social Science. Click here for proposal guidelines.
August 11, 2021
Join CivXNow for a virtual briefing on the federal Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSD) on Wednesday, August 11 from 12–1 p.m. ET where we’ll walk through the bill’s specifics, provide the latest updates on its progress, and model how to conduct in-person or virtual meetings. Click here to register.
July 4, 2021
SSEC has initiated its own YouTube channel! It current provides access to 2021 conference sessions, and we will add webinar videos over time. Check it out.
June 27, 2021
The 2021 Irving Morrissett Award conferred on Joseph P. Stoltman, past president of SSEC and University Distinguished Professor of Geography and Science Education, Western Michigan University.
May 26, 2021
“Challenging the Myths: Possibilities of Integrative and Critical Elementary Social Studies.” Elementary social studies is often pushed to the backburner in lieu of ELA and Math instruction. At the same time, many elementary educators assume social studies topics are too difficult or not appropriate for young students. Join the Social Science Education Consortium for a webinar to learn how elementary teacher educators are challenging these myths and teaching integrative and critical elementary social studies! The 90-minute webinar begins at 7:00 PM EDT. Register here.
March 31, 2021
Women as Activists: How, Where, and Why We Act. Join the Social Science Education Consortium ( as we engage with 5 recently published authors about their work with women in various educational arenas. We are thrilled to be learning from Dr. Jessica Ferreras-Stone, Dr. Lauren Colley, Dr. Christopher Martell, Dr. Kaylene Stevens, and Dr. Kathryn Engebretson on topics ranging from women in the social studies curriculum to feminist teachers, and how students engage with feminism as part of the curriculum. The 90-minute webinar begins at 7:00 PM Eastern Time. Register here.
February 24, 2021
Call for Paper Proposals: Iowa Journal for the Social Studies, a peer-reviewed electronic journal. The editors issue a call to submit manuscripts for the third issue. We are especially interested in manuscripts that feature research, conceptual and theoretical work, curriculum and lesson plans that have been implemented in the K-16 classroom, and media reviews. Full call available at here. Due April 1, 2021.
January 27, 2021
“Book Launch and Meet the Authors.” On January 27, 2021, SSEC is hosting a web session to introduce a newly-released addition to IAP’s SSEC’s Book Series titled The Divide Within: Intersections of Realities, Facts, Theories, and Practices (included in SSEC membership). The 90-minute session will begin at 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST) and will provide apply opportunities to interact with chapter authors. For information about the online session, contact SSEC Board Member Laura Handler

December 2020
SSEC member Mary Haas was honored by the National Social Studies Supervisors Association Board of Directors with the 2020 Mel Miller Outstanding Social Studies Leader Award. First conferred in 1993, the award recognizes NSSSA members who best exemplify the qualities of leadership. Mary is professor of Social Studies Education at Western Virginia University.
July 21, 2020
The 2020 Irving Morrissett Award conferred on past SSEC President Michael Berson.
June 16, 2020
SSEC Board of Directors approve a Position Statement on Antiracial Pedagogy and Activism.
May 11, 2020
Executive Director Charles White has been appointed to a three-year term on the Editorial Board of the international journal Research in Social Sciences and Technology (RESSAT)
May 1, 2020
Call for Chapter Proposals: Editors Amy Samuels and Greg Samuels invite chapter proposals for a 2021 publication with the working title Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Social Sciences for the Social Science Education Consortium Book Series (Information Age Publishing). Full chapter proposal guidelines are available online. Submit 500-word abstract of proposed chapter by 8/1/20, with notification by 9/1/20.
March 30, 2020
Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the Board has postponed the 2020 Conference in Kyiv, Ukraine, until next June (2021). We will issue a renewed Call for Paper Proposals (based on the same theme) in the fall of 2020.

Feb 20, 2020
SSEC member Thomas Dynneson received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award in January 2020. The award is conferred by Marquis Who’s Who.