Civics was founded by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor in 2009 to ensure that all Americans have the knowledge and will to participate in our unique experiment in self-government. Since then, iCivics has become the nation’s premier non-profit civic education provider of non-partisan and free resources to more than 7.6 million students annually, in all 50 states.

International Civil Rights Center & Museum
The International Civil Rights Center & Museum opened in 2010 as a comprehensive museum of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. It commemorates the Feb. 1, 1960, beginning of sit-ins at a whites-only lunch counter at the Greensboro, NC Woolworth’s by four NC Agricultural and Technical College students. The Museum currently offers both on-site and virtual educational tours that encompass not only the Sit-ins, and the larger Civil Rights Movement, but the civic concepts that underpin social change and advocate for full and engaged citizenry.
Economics Study Guide and Resources for Students
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
National Council for the Social Studies
Council for Economic Education
American Political Science Association
Constitutional Rights Foundation
National Council on Geographic Education
American Association of Geographers
American Historical Association
Organization of American Historians
American Institute for History Education