For every conference since 2001, the SSEC Board has provided financial support for early career scholars’ participation in our annual conference, covering the conference registration fee and all or most of the travel costs. For more information, visit Supporting Early Career Scholars.
Funding for the Early Career Scholar Award has come from a modest capital fund established many years ago. Over time, of course, we have had to drawn down those funds, so donations can help us replenish that resource and continue (and expand) our Early Career Scholar support.
Consult the Early Career Scholar Award Application Guidelines to prepare an application, as well as the Conference Paper Proposal Guidelines.
Applicants must be SSEC members at the time of application; you can find the membership form here.

* This award honors the memory of Dr. James E. Davis (1940-2023). Jim was a member of the SSEC staff in Boulder in the late 1960s, served as associate executive director and treasurer, and led SSEC as executive director from 2000-2018. In 2001, Jim spearheaded the establishment of the Early Career Award (then named the Young Scholar Award). Jim received the Irving Morrissett Award for Excellence in Social Science Education as Executive Director Emeritus in 2018. He continued as treasurer until retiring in 2022, leaving behind an abiding legacy of service and devotion to SSEC and to the social science/social studies education profession.